What is that crucial factor that will give you as a Construction Developer the confidence in your product and the assurance that your build quality meets the industry’s best standards? 

Even if as a Construction Company or Developer, you decide to manage your processes like Quality, Safety, Quantity Surveying etc in-house, how can you be sure that your systems are delivering the desired results unless you get this vetted from the industry experts?

It is the unbiased and independent assessment by Third Party Agencies or Auditors who will give you their expert analysis and clear suggestions on all aspects of construction be it quantity surveying, billing, quality, safety or health and environment. 

The remarkable point here is this assessment s free from conflicts of interest that may arise from in-house or contractor-led inspections. Impartial valuations by Third Party Agencies like CQRA hence can help identify potential issues early in the construction process, reducing the risk of costly rework or project delays at an advanced stage.

How can you be so sure of the credentials of Third Party Agencies?

Third Party Agencies like CQRA are Accredited Agencies(CQRA is now a Type A – NABCB accredited inspection body under accreditation certificate no – IB 054) and have the required expertise with specialized systems and staff who are trained to identify the non conformities within the conformities in the construction processes and products.  

This is a specialized field wherein the Auditors or Inspectors meticulously confirm, that, the processes finalized by the developer are being followed at site or not. They have an exhaustive checklist system with checkpoints for every single activity at every stage of construction. The CQRA Auditor goes over each point, comparing the documented process with that implemented on site. If there are differences in then the Inspectors raise Non Conformities and it is in the best interest of the Construction Developer and their customers to rectify these anomalies in the construction.

When is it most advantageous to hire Third Party Agencies?

The best way to make the most of your association with a Third Party Agency like CQRA collaborate while the project is still in the planning stages. Ideally if they are onboard from the inception stage of the project, then the Non Conformities are minimal and easy to handle. So Well begun is half done, as Construction Developers can achieve Cost Effectiveness, Construction Quality and Timely completion by signing on services of such agencies early in the project life cycle.

Third Party Agencies offer their in depth expertise, help in cost control and risk mitigation and provide quality assurance apart from helping clients navigate regulatory requirements. These are important reasons to consider hiring them to fool-proof your project from everything that could possibly go wrong.

What does it do for your brand value and say about your company’s position on quality?

If there is a way to increase your brand value and strengthen your company’s position in the market to reckon with, then the way is associating with a Third Party Agency that stands for excellence in construction quality. This works in two interesting ways for you as a Developer. Firstly, by roping in a Quality Assurance and Quality Control independent partner, you are making your intention of offering a superior product to your end customer amply clear. This demonstration on commitment to accountability goes miles to enhance your reputation and sincere business ethics amongst your community of customers, investors, vendors, thereby creating brand equity and future opportunities.

On the other hand, when a project is inspected by a Third Party Agency of repute and a market leader like CQRA, this is in itself a token of the quality which you as the Developer intend to give to your customer. So, the fact that Construction Developers have got their projects checked by a particular well known and accredited agency means that they are that good and serious in their commitment to construction quality.

How does hiring Third Party Agencies help you preempt what Buyers want?

Do not underestimate the Buyer – be it a home or a commercial property buyer, they have become a highly discerning, well-informed group who do their homework well. Customers end up checking claims by Developers including those of inspections by Third Party Auditors by going into the depth of the information on project brochures and websites. Many in fact also hire Third Party Agencies to perform property inspections at their own end before taking possession of the premises in order to ascertain the quality of the product on offer. This only goes to show that as Developers one must be on the top of their game by ensuring perfect quality by way of independent assessments and preempt what their customers are looking for.

In all by investing in professional oversight and support, developers can optimize project outcomes, minimize risks, and deliver high-quality properties that meet or exceed stakeholder expectations.

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Email : marketing@cqra.acts-int.com | Call on : +91 9112232323

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