Employing best practises to prevent any kind of fire is the approach facility managers and owners need to focus on and be prepared for the worst with a quick response management.

Conducting mock drills regularly, educating employees about the dos and don’ts in a fire situation, having a fire fighting plan and system in ready condition, keeping exit routes like staircases and refuge areas free of obstacles, keeping inspection records updated are some of the key measures to take note of.
Our experts also interview the building management staff and present them with scenarios to assess their knowledge, preparedness and response.
The building water pump room is the heart of the fire fighting exercise in case of a fire. If the water pump malfunctions, how can the fire be put out?
The Blazing Issue
A fire is dangerous for all the inhabitants of a building, never mind if they are the owners, managers, residents or employees. In the daily grind people do not spare a thought to their response in case they were caught in a blaze. A fire safety audit is taking the right step to ensure the safety of human life in your premise and a preventive measure to avert devastating accidents.
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